Portfolio Manager

WEB application realized with dHTMX WEB GUI library and Java Web Services. It uses Portfolio and Risk Management System (PMS) as a data source for portfolios and instruments. Its dashboards and grids are defined for easy view, edit, calculate and store of a credit. User can load a portfolio of credits, view the structure and edit a single item of the portfolio. User can calculate a single position or recalculate the whole portfolio. User can see the details of the credit in separate frame. User can see the period details and create a charts based on the data.

The Portfolio Manager can be accessed here: http://www.eurorisksystems.com:8080/PortfolioManager/

The same Portfolio Manager with front-end realized with Angular framework can be accessed here: http://www.eurorisksystems.com:8080/PortfolioManager/angular/

Demo portfolio: Credits

For user name and password please contact M. Eng. Ivan Bogdanov or M.Sc. Todor Georgiev..